

Bungy, Bungee, Bungie (sp?)

Here’s another one from the old analog media (VHS) archives I recently uncovered at home. Katherine and I did a two-week bike trip through New Zealand back in 1998 with Backroads from Nelson to Queenstown. On one of the last days of the trip, we stopped at AJ Hackett’s operation to do some bridge-jumping. My…

Are You Experienced?

I was digging through my old-school media collection (analog artifacts like VHS and cassette tapes) this weekend and discovered a VHS tape that contained the television commercials that Excite aired back in 1996. I believe we started airing the commercials for the first time during a Saturday Night Live broadcast and we saw some serious…

High-Def Haiku

In my previous post, I offered to mail my HD-DVD player and my (small) library of HD-DVDs to the author of the best Haiku about the high-definition format wars, provided the recipient cover shipping costs. First, here are the Haikus that were submitted (some via comments, some via email, a couple I authored just because…

HD-DVD’s Death is Official

First came Netflix’s announcement, and now that Wal-Mart has announced they’ll be dropping HD-DVD in June, Blu-Ray can unequivocally be declared the winner of this most recent round of format wars, and perhaps the last physical media format war. I actually own an HD-DVD player (some early Toshiba model) which I won as a prize…

Twitter is an Acronym

After months of examining my own twitter use as well as the ways all my twitter friends use it, I’ve determined that by far the most common subject matter among the tweets I see is people bitching about their bad travel experiences. Therefore, I’ve decided that TWITTER is really an acronym that stands for: “Travel…

Bad Product Name

While I’ve never claimed to be a product naming or branding expert, I still wonder how this one got green-lighted by the folks at Green Mountain Coffee Roasters: a coffee named National Wildlife Blend? To me, this conjures up images of cute woodland creatures ground in with my coffee beans. Never mind hazelnut or chicory…

New Header Graphic, Thanks Sir Penrose

When I moved my blog to a new host a couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to spruce up the design a bit. Our IT guru Ross suggested I come up with a graphic for my header, which he just put in place for me yesterday. I believe my new header graphic is suitably…


Last October, I attended the inaugural Lobby Conference in Hawaii. The conference was officially “off the record”, so I won’t divulge any salacious details, but one of the cool ideas behind the conference was to have every attendee make an introductory video about themselves. All the videos were then gathered onto iPod touches that were…

My Favorite Vegetable (Intellectually)

I blogged about this long ago, but when ranked by self-similarity, fractality (is that a word?) or as an exemplar of logarithmic spirality in nature, Romanesco Broccoli is my favorite vegetable by far. I was at Boulette’s Larder at the Ferry Building Marketplace in San Francisco last week and they had this particularly fine specimen…

A New Home for McInblog

If you are seeing this post, you have landed at the new home for McInblog, now hosted on the same box as the upcoming Foundry Group blog, Feld Thoughts, Ask The VC and Seth’s Blog, and it is now running on Moveable Type. Please let me know if you find anything amiss. Foundry’s own very…