

Move Over John Deere, Hello Putzmeister!

If you had asked me what my favorite brand of heavy machinery was, until last week I would have said John Deere (must be those hats). But Brad and I were in Manhattan last week and on our way downtown, I spotted a Putzmeister.  What a fine name! From now on, I am brand-loyal to…

The Ides of March

It is the Ides of March again. I’ll be having a Caesar salad tonight to celebrate. In the meantime, here’s a trip down memory lane to my Ides post from last year. Get your Maiden on. Technorati Tags: Ides of March, Iron Maiden

Music: Modern, Retro and Convergence

The Modern:  I’ve blogged in the past about my love of the Sonos digital music system, which I’ve installed throughout my home.  As an avid music collector, over the years I’ve amassed a collection several thousand CDs strong.  However, there are still gaps in my collection, and sometimes you just need to hear The Bangles’…

Back on the Map!

When I moved to Boulder, I found out that our house (and several blocks of our street) in Boulder, CO didn’t exist, at least according to Yahoo, Google and MapQuest. I filed a bug report with NAVTEQ, the provider of the underlying geodata and was told to not expect a fix for six to eighteen…

Jobs, DRM and Motives…

Jobs’ open letter, Thoughts on Music, published this morning, has brought the DRM-free music meme to the forefront in a way and scale that only Jobs can achieve. As Fred Wilson points out, perhaps Steve Jobs has had a change of heart when it comes to DRM. Or perhaps not. We should remember that Jobs…

The Very First Wendy’s

Today as I arrived in Columbus, Ohio, I unwittingly found myself face to face with a bit of Americana:  the original Wendy’s location.  While I have been known from time to time to enjoy a nice Frosty, today all I took from Wendy’s was this picture, saving myself from the 430 calories in a medium-sized…

Great Slingbox Moment

On Wednesday, after my partner Brad and I finished a meeting in Washington DC, we settled in for the long drive (during rush hour) from DC to Dulles International Airport. Sitting in the back of the car, we fired up my MacBook Pro, got online using my Verizon EVDO card, fired up my SlingPlayer, connected…

Reason #73 I Hate Airports

It has been a rough travel week. It started with my ill-timed journey from Denver to Harrisburg, PA on Sunday afternoon when the snow in Denver and Chicago conspired against me and trapped my plane on the tarmac in Denver for 4 hours while we waited for de-icing and runway plowing. Once I arrived in…


I was in Las Vegas last week with my partner Jason Mendelson for CES, my third or fourth (they sort of all blur together) trip to Sin City for this bit of consumer-electronic craziness. I just read Dave Hornik’s post on his trip to CES and felt compelled to share my thoughts as well. While…

Technorati and PR Newswire

Many blog pundits have predicted that blogs and RSS will ultimately kill the press release / newswire business. But as Mark Twain might say, “the rumors of the press release’s death have been greatly exaggerated.” At least thus far. The more accurate thing to say is that world of PR will be forever changed by…